Atlas 国际旅行医疗保险


Atlas Travel Medical Insurance 是为出国旅行居住的国际访客提供的旅行医疗保险,包括全面的医疗、紧急医疗救援和旅行意外保障,可为您提供保护免受在国外旅行时可能遇到的各种风险的影响。Atlas 保险可在全球通用,适合世界各国的国际旅行者。如果您的国际旅行行程包括美国可以使用 Atlas America 计划(包含美国全球通用),如果您的国际行程不包括美国可以使用 Atlas International 计划 不含美国全球通用)。 

如果在国外旅行期间受到恐怖袭击的影响,Atlas 国际旅行医疗保险承保符合资格的医疗费用,以治疗因恐怖主义行为而造成的伤害和疾病,最高赔偿根据保险福利和限额表中的规定。


如果您直接或间接参与恐怖主义行动,则不会受到保障。 或者如果您前往美国国务院已发布第3级或第4级旅行警告的国家或地区,或者未能在美国国务员发布旅行警告后的10天之内离开该国或地区,也将得不到恐怖袭击保障。

这里是 Atlas 保险条款中对恐怖袭击保障的说明:



1. Eligible Medical Expenses for treatment of injuries and illnesses resulting from an Act of Terrorism, up to the limit set forth in the Schedule of Benefits and Limits, provided all of the following conditions are met.

YOU ARE NOT COVERED unless you fulfill the following conditions:

1. The injury or illness does not result from the use of any biological, chemical, cyber, radioactive or nuclear agent, material, device or weapon;

2. You have no direct or indirect involvement in the Act of Terrorism;

3. The Act of Terrorism is not in a country or location where U.S. Department of State has issued a level 3 or level 4 travel advisory that has been in effect within the 6 months immediately prior to your date of arrival; and

4. You have not failed to depart a country or location within 10 days following the date a level 3 or level 4 travel advisory for that country or location is issued by the United States government.


1. Loss, damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any of the following regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss, damage, cost or expense:

a. War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power;

b. The use of any biological, chemical, cyber, radioactive or nuclear agent, material, device or weapon; however, this exclusion shall not apply where you are exposed to nuclear radioactive and/or radioactive material for the purpose of medical treatment;

c. Any Act of Terrorism, not specifically covered above;

d. Coverage for loss, damage, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to (a), (b) or (c) above; or

e. Expenses arise directly or indirectly from anything in the General Exclusions.

Atlas Travel Medical Insurance 可在全球各国通用。万一发生医疗紧急情况您可自由选择医疗机构就诊,Atlas 保险不限制您选择医院,医师或其他医疗服务提供者的权利。在美国看病可首选访问 Tokio Marine HCC WorldTrips 保险公司覆盖全美各州的美国优选医疗服务提供者网内的医疗机构。这里是在美国怎样使用 Atlas 国际旅行医疗保险看病买药的更多介绍。 在美国以外的其它国家看病可选择保险公司的国际医疗服务提供者网络或其它医疗机构就诊。这里是在美国以外的其它国家怎样使用 Atlas 国际旅行医疗保险看病买药的更多介绍。

在国外遇到紧急情况时您可以随时联系 Tokio marine HCC WorldTrips 保险公司的紧急援助服务,例如帮助查找医院诊所、医疗监控、安排紧急救援等。 您可以随时登录 Member Portal 打印自己的保险卡和保险证明、申请索赔和查询索赔进展等。 

保险公司可能随时更改保险条款内容,我们不能保证此处信息完全准确。 请以 Tokio Marine HCC WorldTrips 保险公司 Atlas Travel Medical Insurance  或 Atlas Premium Plan 的保险条款官方文本为准。  



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